British expats and locals demand Marbella bullfight be cancelled: Petition by animal activists gathers 25,000 signatures in just four days

MORE than 25,000 expats and locals have signed a petition demanding the cancellation of this weekend’s bullfight in Marbella.

World-famous matadors including Roca Rey, Morante de la Puebla and Jose Maria Manzanares will descend on the iconic Plaza de Toros on June 8.

The ‘spectacular’ event, according to the local council, will ‘reinaugurate’ the tradition of bullfighting in the town.

The festivity, which includes a bull run, or corrida, will coincide with the 60th anniversary of the arena being built.

However the event has enraged animal activists and many expats and locals alike.

A petition calling for the event to be cancelled has now surpassed 25,000 signatures since being launched just four days ago.

Marbella councillors pose in front of poster for upcoming bullfighting event (Twitter/Aytomarbella)

The petition calls on Mayor María Angeles Muñoz to bring an immediate stop to the bullfight and for a permanent ban on bullfighting in Marbella.

“We were shocked and horrified to learn that a bullfight is taking place at the old Marbella Bullring,” said a representative from Marbella Against Bullfighting, the group that set up the petition.  

“After nine years of no bullfighting in Marbella this is a huge step backwards for both Marbella and Spain.

“The bullring has been used to host concerts in recent years so we really believed bullfighting was a thing of the past.”

They added: “Marbella is a beautiful and cosmopolitan city, loved by locals and international visitors alike. Why would our Mayor want to drag the city back in time and stage a cruel and bloody slaughter of an animal for entertainment?”

The bullfight has sparked outrage amongst many locals who had no idea it was returning to Marbella and they have been quick to add their support to the petition.

Over one hundred towns and cities across Spain have now outlawed bullfighting. Many bullrings are now re-purposed as young Spaniards have largely turned their backs on the tradition. 

“Our opinion at AIMS is that bullfighting is a barbaric practice and should be banned,” said Elise Dunweber, co-founder of AIMS (Animals In Marbella Sanctuary). 

“Our view of Spanish culture lies in art, literature, music and cuisine. Killing animals for entertainment is not culture it is torture. A new poll by CAS International poll shows that most people in European Bullfighting Countries are against the harmful tradition and want bullfighting banned.

“Please help us by signing our petition to end this practice and support our call to stop the fight taking place.”

Lorraine and Chris Platt, co- founders of the Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation (CAWF) commented: “We have written to the Mayor as the co-founders of CAWF and urged for the planned bull fight to be cancelled in Marbella and to replace the cruel spectacle with a humane alternative that does not involve animals.

“Bullfights subject bulls to tremendous suffering- it is unacceptable to subject sentient animals to such an unnecessary prolonged and painful death in the name of an outmoded ‘sport’ which should be consigned to the history books.”

The petition can be found here.

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