Horrific animal abuse discovered at home with dozens of badly-injured fighting cocks in Spain’s Valencia

TWO people face animal abuse charges after the Guardia Civil found 107 fighting cocks in a Betera home in Valencia province.

Guardia officers said 70 of the birds were in a ‘very bad state’ along with a dog and macaw- all which appeared to have been abused.

The Guardia’s environment team Seprona raided the property and were greeted by a shocking sight.



They discovered many of the birds had multiple injuries caused by them being used in organised and illegal cockfights.

A treadmill was discovered which was used in their training.

The birds have been removed by the Guardia along with a dog that was transferred to a municipal shelter and a blue macaw.

The macaw had the feathers of both wings trimmed and lacked any documentation to prove that it was legally owned as it is a protected species.

It now has a new home at Valencia’s Centre for the Recovery of Exotic Birds.

A man and woman, aged 40 and 36, are being investigated by a Paterna court.

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