Horror in Alicante: Headless torso is found torched and dumped next to a suitcase

A JOGGER in an Alicante district stumbled upon a headless body of a person which was also limbless and had been set on fire.

The bizarre find was made at around 7.30am on Monday in the La Serreta area of Fontcalent.

It’s believed that the body belonged to a man.


A suitcase containing clothes was also discovered at the scene but there was no sign of his head or limbs.

The Policia Nacional has been leading the search to recover more remains and have used drones in their operation.

An autopsy will be carried out at the Institute of Legal Medicine in Alicante on Tuesday to determine the cause of death and to confirm the sex of the victim.

The police believe that the killing is down to a settling of scores and will comb through missing persons reports to see if anything tallies.

Given the state of the body’s remains, identification will only be possible by DNA analysis.

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