Spike in deaths on Spanish roads: 440 people were killed in the first five months of 2024

SPANISH roads have witnessed a total of 440 deaths so far this year, new figures show. 

The figure for the first five months of 2024 represents a year-on-year increase of 6.79%, according to the country’s traffic authority (DGT). 

In May alone, some 83 fatal traffic accidents were recorded in which 92 people died, nine more than in the same month last year.

The DGT said seven of those 92 deaths were pedestrians.

Meanwhile, 41 of the deceased last month were travelling in cars, while seven were in vans. 

Some 27 motorcyclists were killed in May, the same as last year, while four cyclists died (one more than in 2023). 

People aged 65 and over saw the highest increase in road traffic deaths between January and May. 

According to the statistics, Andalucia saw the sharpest increase in fatal accidents over the same period. 

In May alone, Andalucia counted 18 deaths on its roads, double that of the same month last year.

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