Adorable unwanted shelter dog Agus is adopted by a nursing home in Spain – and the pictures will melt your heart

A SPANISH nursing home has adopted an adorable shelter dog and the pictures are sure to make you smile.

Agus with christmas decorations handmade by residents. Photo: Amavir El Encinar del Rey

Residents at the Amavir El Encinar del Rey home in Valladolid took in the unwanted pup over the festive period, where he will remain until he finds his forever home. 

They have ‘fallen in love’ with Agus, a one year old beagle described as ‘a very good and caring boy’. 

Agus takes part in activities with the residents such as walks, shopping and art therapy classes. 

He has been welcomed with open arms as part of a collaboration with the local council to bring dogs into residential homes. 

Residents have ‘fallen in love’ with Agus. Photo: Amavir El Encinar del Rey

According to the Centro Caninno Municipal: “It’s a two way therapy for both the dog and the residents. They both benefit from each other’s company.” 

Angus hanging out with residents. Photo: Amavir El Encinar del Rey

The scheme has been well received by residents and their families.


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