British boy catches ‘whopper’ during fishing holiday in Spain

A BRITISH youngster had a Spanish holiday that he’ll never forget after netting a record-breaking 69 kilo catfish.

Joshua Davenport, 11, from West Sussex got his catch of the day while out fishing with his parents on the banks of the Ebro river. 

The 2.7 metre-long catfish nibbled on Joshua’s rod and he could scarcely believe what was waiting for him at the end of the line.

It took 25 minutes to reel in the monster fish which has now become the biggest freshwater fish to be caught by a boy in Europe.

Catfish are nothing new to Joshua who had previously netted a 50 kilo whopper.

His mother Lorna said: “Fishing is everything to Josh who got his first rod when he was four and caught his first catfish aged six which weighed 10 kilos.”

Lorna explained his love of catfish is simply down to their large size and that her son’s historic catch was the last one he made during their week-long break in Spain.

“It was his dream to catch one over 45 kilos so there was no way he was going to let go. He did brilliantly and it took him about 25 minutes,” added Lorna

 “When he saw it he just couldn’t believe the size of it and it took three adults and Josh to lift it.” After having some photos taken of the massive catch, the catfish was released back to the Ebro.

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