British teen’s dream holiday to Spain is ruined ‘over a 1cm tear in his passport’

A BRITISH teen was due to take his first-ever holiday to Spain’s Benidorm when his dreams were ruined by a 1cm tear in his passport. 

The 1cm rip that ruined a family holiday. Photo: Christopher Burton/Facebook

The boy was flying to the popular holiday destination to celebrate New Year’s Eve with his parents. 

The family had spent £1,000 on the dream trip before budget airline Ryanair thwarted their plans. 

Jake Burton, 19, was told he was unable to board at the last minute due to a 1cm tear in his passport. 

According to his parents, Rachel, 47, and Chris, 51, they were turned away at the boarding gate.

Although Rachel and Chris were allowed to fly, they refused to leave their son, walking back down the runway and through East Midlands airport. 

They claim the rip is just above the main photo page and may have happened during a night out. 

The family had been through all the checks including passport control when they were stopped by the Ryanair staff, who couldn’t ‘look Jake in the eye’ as they told him the bad news. 

Speaking to The Sun, Rachel said: “It was absolutely heartbreaking.

“It was his first time flying, his first time going abroad. We were all devastated.” 

Jake’s father Christopher also posted on Facebook: “Thanks Ryanair for f**cking a first time away as a family holiday u absolute c**ts’”

Family and friends sympathised with the Burtons, saying: “What an absolute joke. I can’t believe they refused to let him on the plane. Hope he’s ok.”

The family, from Mansfield, were due to meet friends who had been ‘trying to get’ them to Spain for ‘years’. 

Now, they say they lost the £1,067.64 they spent on the holiday. 

Thankfully, their hotel was ‘pay-on-arrival’, otherwise they would have sunk another £800. 

They are also trying to pursue a refund for Jake’s part of the trip. 

Since the incident, the teen ‘has not left his room’ because he feels guilty about the money lost. 

His father claims he may never go on holiday as the issue may have ‘put Jake off flying for life’. 


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