Brits sold drugs to Benidorm bar and hotel clients with quick delivery by electric scooter

THREE British men have been arrested in Benidorm by the Policia Nacional for running a drugs delivery service to the city’s bars, hotels, and restaurants.

Narcotics were transported ‘on demand’ to customer locations by an electric scooter.

The British nationals- aged between 30 and 57- touted for clients at hospitality areas and offered them cut-price drugs.

The Policia Nacional said that if a deal was struck, two of the trio would travel on the scooter to the hotel they were staying at and would return with the agreed item in a matter of minutes.

A hotel manager blew the whistle on the illegal retail operation when he spotted what he thought was a suspicious transaction between guests and two of the Brits.

The police arrived to catch one of the British sellers red-handed after striking a marijuana deal with two hotel clients who were waiting at the building’s front entrance for their ‘order’ to arrive.

Another of the vendors fled the scene on his electric scooter, but he was located and arrested at the hotel where he and his compatriots were staying.

A third British man was also detained and he had the role of providing ‘cover’ for the two delivery men.

Police seized packaged-up marijuana in individual doses, a gold chain, and nine fake-branded watches as well as cash in euros and UK pounds.

It’s not been disclosed whether the arrested British men lived in Spain or what the result was of their court appearance.


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