Christmas Eve jailbreak: Guards guided double killer to exit of Madrid prison in staggering display of incompetence

A COMEDY of errors by prison staff – which included guiding the prisoner to the exit – led to the Christmas Eve escape of a young gangland hitman who already has two alleged murders to his name.

Yussef ML, 20, famously known in the Ceuta underworld as ‘El Pastilla,’ preyed on the poor protocol and general incompetence of undertrained staff to make good his dramatic escape – with a little help from his visiting family.

The feared sicario had only just been transferred to Alcala Meco prison in Madrid from Cadiz on December 4, after he became a target for prisoners from rival gangs.

Using the cover of prison visits on December 23, El Pastilla managed to sneak past security through an 80-centimetre door behind the back of a prison officer. 

He then made his way along a seven-metre hallway to another unsecured door, where he actually took a wrong turn.

He accidentally headed towards a barrier instead of the Communications Department, the regular exit for visitors.

Incredibly, Guardia Civil officers mistook him for a visitor and helpfully pointed him towards the correct exit. 

His family members, meanwhile, pretend to wait for a private visit while El Pastilla melded in with other visitors to make his escape.

Now at large, a frenzied manhunt is underway by humiliated law enforcement authorities.

The whereabouts of El Pastilla remain a mystery, with some speculating that he may have already fled the country.


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