POLICIA local are investigating a possible case of animal abuse after two canines were found living in ‘deplorable’ conditions.
As reported by the Policia Local in a statement, a complaint was made in mid-August by a local resident in Casabermeja (Malaga) who alerted the existence of two animals who were kept in a ‘pitiful’ state.

The tip-off lead the Guardia Civil’s Nature Protection Service (SEPRONA) division together with Policia Local to carry out an inspection of the area where they verified that there were two puppies, a six-month-old female mastiff and a one-year-old German shepherd, infested with ticks and fleas and on the ‘verge of death’.
The two young dogs were removed from their owners and a complaint has been filed for ‘alleged mistreatment and/or abandonment of domestic animals.’
The veterinary report, which was drawn up following an examination on both dogs, states that both dogs were on the ‘verge of death,’ ‘severely infested with ticks and fleas’ and both also suffered from anaemia and other illnesses derived from lack of care.