Drought in Spain: Five million people in Andalucia face water restrictions next year if rain shortage continues as president warns of ‘economic ruin’

THE President of the Junta, Junama Moreno, has warned Andalucia could suffer ‘economic ruin’ as a result of severe droughts in the region.  

It came as part of a warning where he estimated up to five million Andalucians could be subject to water restrictions if it doesn’t rain enough by June 2024. 

Moreno called the situation ‘alarming’, claiming the drought had caused the region’s GDP to shrink by 1%. 

The Junta President also called on the central government to take action to tackle the drought. 

He said: “As a country we need to make a global strategy and, above all, put water as an absolute priority. Often, water is not included in the discourse, but without water there is no life, no tourism, no agriculture or industry.”

The warning comes after another dry summer has seen reservoirs drop to just 20% of their capacity. 

The region has been suffering from droughts for the last five years, where 3.5 million people live under water restrictions. 

Moreno made the claims while attending the United Nations Climate Summit in Dubai

He was there ‘hoping to learn about innovative water management projects’, which could help the region.


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