Drought latest: Worryingly low reservoir levels across Spain’s Andalucia are revealed – with one province in a critical condition at just over 9% capacity

ANDALUCIA reservoir levels are still critically low despite the recent rainfall, latest statistics have shown. 

Almeria is the worst affected province with water supplies stand at just 9.38% – while Cadiz and Malaga are at perilous levels.

Across Malaga province levels stand at just over 15%, which is alarmingly a 0.2% drop over the past week and a year-on-year fall of 22%. 

The stark numbers come after Junta president Juanma Moreno warned the region needs 30 straight days of rain to avoid severe water cuts this summer. 

Almeria is the worst affected province with water supplies stand at just 9.38% – while Cadiz and Malaga are at perilous levels.

However, record high temperatures are forecast for the rest of January, with the mercury set to reach the high 20s – with ZERO rain predicted. 

In Cadiz, reservoir levels are at 15.32%, with just 0.16% being added over the past week.

Meanwhile, Granada stands at 23.4% (+0.17%), Jaen 21.3% (+0.7%), Sevilla 34% (+5%), Cordoba 18% (+1.6%) and Huelva 36% (+3.8%). 

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