Holy Res-erection: Priest is arrested in Spain for ‘dealing Viagra pills’

A PRIEST and his partner have been arrested in the Extremadura region for selling Viagra and other ‘powerful aphrodisiac substances’.

The cleric is one of six parish priests working in Don Benito in Badajoz province serving 37,000 people.

He is said to be a well-known figure who was popular with residents and known for having a modern approach to his clerical duties.


The unnamed priest testified before a judge for four hours before being bailed, but will have to report to court twice a month.

The El Pais newspaper says that his partner has been remanded in custody.

It’s alleged that they sold Viagra and other substances from their home.

A lawyer acting for the priest said that his client had done nothing wrong and had ‘no knowledge of anything incriminating’.

The arrests were made by the Guardia Civil who seized a large amount of ready-to-sell material.

Both men have charged with public health offences because they sold illegal substances.

Investigations began months ago when the Guardia were made aware of the sales and monitored buyers coming to the property.

The diocese of Plasencia, which includes the town of Don Benito, said in a statement that it regrets the arrest of the priest ‘because of the pain, suffering and scandal that these events entail’.

It pointed out that is ‘waiting for the facts to be clarified’ and they are ‘sensitive to developments, with prudence and respect for the people involved’.

The diocese also pledged full cooperation with the Guardia as well being in a position to take any action- if necessary.


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