Hostage crisis in Mallorca: Police SWAT team tackle man who had barricaded himself in his home and threatened to kill his own MOTHER

A TENSE hostage situation was resolved this morning with one police officer shot with a crossbow after a man took his own mother hostage.

A team of police had arrived at the home of a man, 49, in Soller, Mallorca on Thursday morning in order to carry out a routine arrest after receiving reports he had been making death and rape threats.

However, events quickly went south when the man lost his head and resisted arrest, attacking the officers and threatening to kill them.

He then locked up his home and barricaded the doors and windows, trapping his mother in the home with him.

Police found two crossbows in the house where the man had barricaded himself in

Police at first feared that there was a large family in the home, who the man was threatening to harm with a knife if they tried to enter.

The immediate area around the incident, including the street, was sealed off to traffic and a SWAT team from the Guardia Civil’s USECIC arrived at the scene.

A Guardia Civil negotiator tried to talk the hostage-taker down and find a peaceful solution, but according to local reports the SWAT team went in.

In the ensuing confrontation, the man fired a weapon at the police, injuring one.

But he was eventually subdued and arrested and his mother – the only hostage – freed.


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