Human LEG washes up on popular beach in Spain’s Valencia region

A BEACHGOER in the Valencian city of Gandia made a grisly discovery on Sunday, after a human leg washed up on the beach. 

The woman found the lost limb at about 1pm, soon raising the alarm with the authorities. 

Officers from the National Police arrived on the scene, and the judicial authorities were notified so that they could execute the protocol for the removal of human remains, Las Provincias website reported. 

The identity of the victim is not yet known, and the rest of the body has not appeared. 

Gandía (valencia) 02
The beach in Gandia. Photo by Flickr

Police investigators are working on the hypothesis that the leg came from a would-be migrant trying to reach Spain by sea, or that it is from someone who drowned in the Mediterranean and whose corpse broke up over time. 

The leg happened to wash up at a time when the beach was almost deserted, website Caso Abierto reported. This was partly due to the tourist season having come to an end but also the bad weather seen throughout Spain this weekend due to the so-called DANA weather system. 

In fact, it may have been these inclement conditions and the strong waves they brought with them that washed the limb onto the beach in the first place.

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