IN PICTURES: First night of Marbella Fair 2023 ravaged by rain but beauty pageants and fireworks still go ahead

MARBELLA’S annual fair to celebrate its patron saint, San Bernabe, kicked off last night with a condensed program ravaged by the looming threat of rain as Storm Oscar hits Andalucia.

Despite the inclement weather, locals and expats alike gathered to witness the spectacular display of fireworks, traditional music, flamenco dancing and Andalucian cuisine. 

However, the fair’s usual proceedings were cut short, including the customary opening speech and the beauty pageants to crown the queens and ladies.

But the main gala, which began on the terraces of the Puerto Deportivo (Sports Port), was rushed through as a light drizzle started falling. 

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The Marbella Fair 2023 rounded off the night with a spectacular fireworks display just as the threatening rain had passed. Credit: Ayuntamiento de Marbella
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The fair is famous for its lavish beauty pageants, with different categories for children, teenagers and adults. Credit: Ayuntamiento de Marbella
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José Manuel Soto and mayor of Marbella Angeles Muñoz gave speeches as part of the show. Credit: Ayuntamiento de Marbella

Other events were shortened, the dance academy performances were cancelled, and even the coronation ceremony itself was at risk until the rain subsided.

Typically takes place at the start of June, the Feria de San Bernabe marks the beginning of summer and the high tourist season in Marbella. 

One of the highlights of the San Bernabe Fair is the coronation of the queens and ladies. 

Young girls and women participate in beauty pageants to be crowned as the representatives of the fair. 

A bevy of children, teenagers and young women competed to win the title of queen and her ladies.

The first night of the Marbella Fair 2023 concluded with a dazzling fireworks display that illuminated the sky from the pier that separates the Faro and Fontanilla beaches.

The fair typically goes on for several days, creating a carnival atmosphere around the Costa del Sol town as the summer finally begins.


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