IN VIDEOS: Furious winds of up to 100km/hr uproot trees and cause chaos across Spain’s Andalucia as residents are warned ‘don’t leave home’

STRONG winds of up to 100km/hr are wreaking havoc across Spain’s Andalucia tonight.

Official weather agency AEMET has issued orange warnings across Malaga, Sevilla, Cordoba and Cadiz for the rest of Sunday.

It comes as footage shared online shows felled trees crushing cars and large bins being blown across streets.

Meanwhile homes in Ronda valley have reportedly been left without power for at least three hours.

In Cadiz, residents are being advised to stay indoors.

The City Council wrote in a tweet: “It is recommended that you stay in your homes…

“The weather is creating risks including flying bins and falling trees.

“The best protection is to stay indoors.”

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