Live-in care: The preferred care option offering a personalised service

IT’S a difficult enough time when you realise an elderly parent or close relative needs care. Let alone arranging this when you live overseas. With a distance barrier, you need a reliable and trustworthy care option such as live-in care.

Although increasing in popularity, many people are not aware of live-in care. Yet, it offers a multitude of benefits and upstages care home shortfalls highlighted during the pandemic as well as being cost-effective. 

What is Live-in Care? 

Live-in care is when a trained caregiver lives with their client providing 24-hour care. It enables aging parents to continue living the life they choose in the safety and comfort of their home. 

A live-in carer assists with mobility, personal care, housework, pet care, chaperoning, and much more whilst being a caring companion.  

Why Live-In Care is the Preferred Choice 

Live-in care offers: 

  • · One-to-one personalised care based on the client’s needs and preferences. A level of customisation often unmatched in institutional settings.
  • · Staying in a familiar and comfortable home and maintaining routines. This reduces anxiety and confusion, especially with dementia clients.
  • Promotes independence and maintains dignity. Clients continue to make choices and have control over their lives. 
  •  Emotional support from trusted companions. Carefully matching carers and clients helps build dependable relationships and reduce loneliness. 
  • Continuity of care. A consistent carer who knows their client well. 

How Much Does Live-in Care Cost? 
A secret shopper survey by an impartial information resource recently compared the cost of live-in and residential care.  
The average cost of live-in care per week was £1,560. The average price of the most expensive care homes was £1,620 per week. 
Live-in care is particularly cost-effective for couples. Residential care can cost up to twice as much. 

Learn More About Live-in Care 

Find out more about live-in care from the outstanding and award-winning Mumby’s Live-in Care at

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