Looking for a quiet life in Spain? 36 villages in inland Malaga seek inhabitants

MALAGA is home to many charming and off-the-beaten-track villages and small towns, of which multiple hope to attract those seeking small-community life.

For this, the platform ‘Vente a vivir a un pueblo’ (Come and live in a village) has been launched, which not only offers towns to live in, but also job offers and available housing in the area.

Malaga, and Andalucia as a whole, want to promote their villages, to attract foreigners and thus avoid the rural exodus, for this, the website ‘Vente a vivir a un pueblo’ helps to find a village adapted to the needs of the users.

Of the 47 villages offered on the website and located in Andalucia, the majority are found in Malaga.

The website gives a breakdown of each village including information on the number of inhabitants, whether or not there are educational centres and distance to the nearest hospital, availability to 4G or fibre optic networks, train and bus connections, as well as whether there are any grants or subsidies for entrepreneurs, job offers, etc.

The platform, created by Ramon Pradera, showcases more than 300 villages all over Spain, from Galicia to the Canary Islands, and has so far enabled more than 2,000 families to start a new life in the enclaves it offers.


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