PROTESTORS will take to the streets of Palma this week to demonstrate against the restaurant and bar restrictions enforced in Mallorca.
Workers in the hospitality sector want to see all restrictions lifted. Currently bars and restaurants have to close at 1am, but this may be earlier for some establishments where town hall regulations apply. There is still a limit of twelve people allowed outdoors and eight indoors.
The protest is expected to take place on Thursday, September 2 at 10.30am outside the Balearic government’s Consolat del Mar headquarters.
One of the protestors, Victor Sánchez, a member of Resistencia Balear and his latest movement Unión de Centro Balear, said: “We will only stop this protest if the government removes all restrictions.
“We come back to the same thing, which is that the hospitality industry is not to blame for anything. So we will continue to take to the streets to fight. There are queues of people for the Caló des Moro beach without any safe distance or masks, and yet twelve people cannot queue in a restaurant.”
Previous protests gained public support but also led to arrests and some heavy fines.