Man charged with drugging and sexually assaulting his female friends while on trips throughout Spain’s Andalucia

A MAN has been arrested on suspicion of drugging and sexually assaulting his female friends over the space of many years – without them ever being any the wiser that they had been raped.

The suspect, who was arrested in Velez-Malaga, allegedly operated within his circle of friends during holidays and short trips, and secretly filmed and photographed his crimes.

Although five victims have been identified, authorities fear there may be more across Malaga, Melilla, and Cordoba.

The suspect, who had been getting away with the alleged crimes for years, was undone when a woman found a harddrive in her home in Melilla which contained shocking photos and videos.

These disturbing video clips showed several women partially undressed, either asleep or under the influence of sedatives, subjected to various sexual acts by an unidentified man. 

The woman immediately showed the content of the harddrive to her husband, made a copy of it, and then took it to the police.

The Family and Women’s Care Unit (UFAM) in Melilla began to review its contents and investigate the individual.

Investigators clearly identified that the alleged perpetrator was drugging the preying on his own circle of friends, and had been doing for for years.

Astonishingly, the victims had no awareness that they had fallen prey to sexual offences.

Having determined the nature of the ongoing crimes taking place, law enforcement initiated a surveillance operation around the suspect’s residence, ultimately leading to his arrest. 

Subsequent searches and seizures yielded various pieces of technological equipment, which are currently pending forensic analysis. 

Following a court appearance, the suspect was remanded into custody, and faces charges of four sexual assaults and five violations of privacy.


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