Mobile phones are BANNED in schools in Spain’s Andalucia: This is what pupils need to know about the new rules

THE Junta de Andalucia has banned mobile phones in schools under strict new rules

Students will not be able to use their phones during the school day according to a directive announced by the Junta’s education department on Monday, December 4. 

Phones can now only be used to help with educational activities or if absolutely necessary according to pupil needs. 

To be able to use a phone, pupils must show ‘due legal justification’ to their school, which may include reference to psychological issues, age and maturity. 

Students must put phones away during classes, breaks, after school activities and clubs. 

The ban affects all public schools and many private institutions will also adopt the measures. 

According to the new rules, senior members of staff will be able to confiscate mobile phones after asking the student twice to turn off the device. 

The phone will be kept in the headteacher’s office until the child’s legal representatives come to collect it. 

Those behind the rules have urged staff to pay close attention to students during break times and class changes. 

Announced last week by Andalucian President Juanma Moreno, the rules are obligatory for all publicly funded schools in Andalucia. 


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