New ‘beacon of hope’ offers young people drop-in service in Gibraltar to ‘more promising future’ in work or training

A NEW ‘beacon of hope’ in Gibraltar will help young people who do not have a job, are not in education or training find a way to move forward.

Minister for Employment and Youth Christian Santos is pioneering the new pilot project called ‘The Zone: Step Up and Thrive’.

It will kick off as a drop-in service, allowing young people to talk to mentors, learn about education opportunities, and explore personal and professional development.

The project will be based at Gibraltar main youth centre on Line Wall Road.

It will focus on young people not in employment, education or training (NEET), who may find themselves left out by the capitalist system.

“This project aims to be a beacon of hope for NEET young people,” Santos said in a government statement.

“The drop-in service is a starting point — an inviting space where we can build connections and empower young individuals to seek education, training, or employment opportunities.”

Mentors at the youth centre will ‘provide guidance, address queries, and aid in setting achievable goals’, the government said in the statement.

If the project grabs the attention of young people, its creators hope it will become ‘a hub for positive transformation in the local community’, it added.

It will ‘reignite their aspirations and pave the way toward a more promising future’, the statement concluded.

The new government initiative comes at a time when Gibraltar’s young people have elevated their participation in the global community to a higher level.


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