Pensioner knife fight in Spain’s Benidorm leaves Irishman dead at the hands of his British flatmate

An Irish pensioner in Benidorm was stabbed to death by his British flatmate in a ferocious knife fight on Thursday morning.

Emergency responders found the grievously wounded Brit, 62, on the street outside his Avenida de Estacolmo home in the city’s Rincon de Loix area, which is sometimes referred to as ‘Little England’.

Upon entering the apartment, they found the Irishman, 68, unconscious and in an even worse and bloody state upstairs. Medics had to revive him at the scene.

Both men had suffered gushing wounds to the chest, legs, abdomen and head and were rushed to hospital.

A spokesman for a regional emergency response coordination centre said: “The elder of the two men was very serious and had to be revived at the scene.

“The younger man was less serious but was also taken to hospital with stab wounds.”

It was reported that the Irishman died from his injuries on Friday.

The Brit was arrested in his hospital bed at the Marina Baixa Hospital in nearby Villajoyosa. 

Police are still trying to get to the bottom of what exactly occurred and why the two flatmates took knives to one another.

A police spokesman said: “We are aware of an incident and will be making an official statement later today.”


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