People living with disabilities and families can now see what help is available at new Gibraltar fair

A DISABILITY fair in December will show the public ‘the services available locally from the HM Government of Gibraltar and non-governmental organisations’, the government said.

The Supported Needs and Disability Office (SNDO) will put on the fair on behalf of the Ministry of Equality on December 1 at the Bayside Sports Complex from midday to 6pm.

People with disabilities and their families who turn up there will be able to see how they can ‘increase their support networks and to share experiences’, the government said in a statement.

The fair follows criticism of the government’s provision for people with disabilities before the October 12 election.

The Disability Fair will have three main aspects, the government said.

Charity and support group stalls will provide advice and information for the disabilities they each support and what exactly they can do to help.

The SNDO will set up a stage where they will host talks on different subjects related to disabilities and how best to attend to those who have them.

Government department and agencies will also have their own stalls to inform the public what sort of services they provide.

Minister for Equality Christian Santos is pushing the concept of the fair.

He said he was ‘pleased’ to introduce this ‘great’ initiative.

“It is an opportunity to showcase all services that Gibraltar has to offer and how

our agencies, support groups and charities are able to assist people with disabilities and their families,” he added.

The event will coincide with the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3, established by the UN in 1992.


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