Quirky tradition in towns of Valencian Community continues to entertain locals

A CURIOUS tradition is back again this year to entertain the locals of towns in the Valencian community.

For the second year in a row, the Hermitage of Sanz, nestled in the heart of Benidorm’s Huerta, has revived the ‘La caga del burro’ event.

Originating in Benidorm in 2014, the tradition returned last Sunday with a prize of 1,000 euros.

The tradition consists of dividing a piece of land into multiple numbered plots – mirroring a game board.

Photo: Benidorm City Council

Attendees can then place bets on which numbered plot the donkey will deposit its excrement.

It can take hours for the donkey to defecate, so many visitors will leave to grab a bite to eat and return.


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