Russian warship and submarine are intercepted off the coast of Spain’s Mallorca

THE Spanish Navy has intercepted a Russian warship and submarine off the coast of Mallorca. 

The Spanish ship known as ‘Rayo’ stopped the vessels in the Mediterranean ocean close to Spanish waters.

The ships, a Kilo II class submarine and a naval tugboat known as Sergery Balk, were guided to a remote position and will continue to be guided out of Spanish waters. 

The Spanish maritime action ship (BAM) started a tracking and surveillance operation to monitor two Russian warships on October 11.

Surveillance began when the ships entered the south Balearics and they will remain under watch until they leave the Spanish Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). 

The first Kilo II class submarine was commissioned in 1982 and included torpedoes, mines and missiles. 

The Spanish navy vessel leading the tracking operation is known as ‘Lightning’. At the beginning of October it was integrated into the Maritime Operational Command, under the control of Operations Command (MOPS). 

Until the warships were spotted, it was controlling maritime traffic, supervising fishing activity and protecting maritime lines of communication. 

Since the war in Ukraine broke out, NATO has been monitoring maritime activity in many significant areas across Europe, including Spain. 

As a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Association, Spain’s Navy is tasked with carrying out surveillance activities in important areas around Spain and the mediterranean. 


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