Spanish Equality MP criticised for travelling in to New York via a private jet

THE MP for Equality, Irene Montero, has been heavily criticised by political rivals for flying to New York in the Falcon – a private plane owned by the Spanish government.

In the Spanish parliament, Elias Redondo, coordinator of the centre-right PP, has demanded the cost of the trip be made public.

He described the trip as looking like ‘a friend’s trip to New York.’

Montero, of the left wing Podemos, said her trip to the big apple was taken in order to strengthen the international feminist alliance. 

She has held meetings with the Executive Director of UN Women, Jordan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Sima Bahous, and with prominent American feminist Floria Steimen.

To add to the controversy, Montero appeared in a picture on Instagram posted by co-spokerson from Podemos, Isa Sierra and two other Podemos representatives in Times Square, in a photo more akin to a holiday snap than a working event.

Other Spanish politicians labelled their visit to New York as an “end-of-course-trip.”

Podemos, which has sought to put their green agenda front and centre, was accused of hypocrisy for not using a commercial airline to travel.

Last September, the PP Madrid regional president, Isabel Diaz Ayuso, also travelled to the USA, but opted to take a commercial flight.


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