LIVING in Spain for nearly two decades I didn’t think I could improve my Spanish much. How wrong could I be?
While understanding most of a newspaper article or a film or TV programme, it turned out my own grammar needed more than a brush up.
While I was happy to grill a mayor, or a lawyer on a story, my conjugation of verbs was a shocker and my grasp of the subjunctive worse.
Then along came Gymglish, a dynamic easy-to-use – and fun! – way to brush up on the lingo.
Through an open-ended series of daily emails, you get a 15-20 minute lesson served up to your inbox.

Based around a series of real life subjects – that have real practical use – you simply open up the email when you find you have a moment, be it lunchtime, teatime or before going to bed!
And you don’t have to do it every day – if you miss a lesson it reminds you the following day and continues until you have taken the lesson.
My series began with a granddaughter flying over for a funeral in Madrid staying at the Hotel Borbollon.
It was interesting and entertaining and gave me a great work out on practical language we all use when we travel.
There are plenty of cultural and social references to Spanish characters and society and optional spin offs you can immerse yourself in.
Best of all, they do a simple test at the end to see if you picked things up… and gives you a mark almost immediately.
Then you get a reminder the next day on the mistakes you made to remind you not to do them again.
I’m proud to say I’m getting mostly As and Bs, but there is always something I get wrong – and this is an easy and simple way to address it.
I’m only on lesson 7 after 2 weeks so, yes, I’m a bit behind. But I’m planning an autumn blitz so by Christmas I can storm into Madrid’s Ministry of Health and insist on a detailed breakdown on the fight against COVID.
And for now – all Olive Press readers have a very special back to school deal of an additional 30% discount on all online Spanish courses from September 17 to October 5.
In order to benefit from this special offer, simply subscribe to our 15-day free trial and complete your online Spanish lessons daily.
You you can subscribe by clicking here