‘Special plan’ unveiled to assist plight of homeless people in Spain’s Valencia

VALENCIA City Council has announced a ‘special’ plan to help homeless people.

Social Services councillor, Marta Torrado, said “What leads to homelessness will be studied- something that is often stigmatised.”

A recent ‘Night Census of Homeless People’ recorded 837 people in the city- of which 366 were in sheltered accommodation and the rest on the streets.

“There are 83 more people than in the last census taken in 2021,” said Torrado, who blamed the previous Compromis-led council administration.

She added that Valencia still hasn’t got a shelter that had been ‘promised for eight years’.

“We are going to work on making a real diagnosis, getting latest data on mental health and drug dependency, accessibility to resources, health coverage as well as more regular censuses,” Torrado explained.

How that will translate to practical action to deal with homeless persons remains to be seen. 


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