This yoga retreat in Spain’s Andalucia is the best in the WORLD

AN Andalucian yoga retreat has been chosen as the best in the world in the new OM Yoga Awards. 

An old olive farm turned spiritual sanctuary, Suryalila, sits on the edge of the stunning Sierra de Grazalema.

The retreat is home to Frog Lotus Yoga. Photo: Suryalila/Instagram

The calm retreat, famous for its resident and regular world-famous visiting teachers, is a calm escape surrounded by beautiful countryside. 

Opened a decade ago by Vidya Heisel the yoga centre is the birthplace of the now internationally practiced Frog Lotus Yoga. 

It was chosen from eight retreats across the world including Costa Rica, Greece, Spain and the UK. 

“This recognition is a testament to Suryalila’s commitment to creating an enduring sanctuary that blends yoga, mindfulness, and sustainable living,” explained a spokesman.


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