A Ukrainian woman is in hospital in a critical condition after hurtling over a railing to rocks below at a popular panorama point in the Costa Blanca resort.
The 26-year-old was apparently stretching out over the dangerous ledge in a bid to capture an image of herself to post on social media.
She plummeted over the railings at the Castle Viewpoint which is known locally as the ‘Balcony of the Mediterranean’ for its stunning views across Levante beach.

The young woman hit the rocks 20metres below before falling into the sea at around 6pm on Tuesday evening, when a red flag was flying because of rough seas.
Lifeguards rushed to her rescue in a zodiac speed boat, pulled her out of the water, and performed CPR.
Paramedics from SAMUR treated her at the scene before transferring her to Alicante General Hospital where her condition was described as ‘critical’.
She was suffering signs of hypothermia as well as injuries sustained in the fall.
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