WATCH: Group of Spaniards are stunned by their bill after ordering three beers, olives and crisps in Italy’s Venice

A VIRAL video shows a group of Spaniards shocked to discover the hefty bill for beer and tapas in Venice, Italy. 

In a clip shared on TikTok, the friends head to the famous Saint Mark’s Square, where it is often joked that visitors are charged for merely sitting at a table. 

Even before taking their seats they spot the previous punter’s receipt and ask ‘are you sure we should stay?’. 

The friends took a seat in Saint Mark’s square despite the prices. Photo: david_senda/TikTok

Despite their concerns, the group sit and order three beers, a coke, olives, crisps and bread sticks. 

The video shows them laughing as they check out the prices.

Tap water? A cool €10. Beer? Just €18. Think you’ll save by ordering Coke? Nope, the fizzy drink is still €16.

A woman in the party complains about the uncomfy seats and points at the snacks saying: “This is today’s dinner. Olives, crisps and bread sticks”

The person filming laughs: “I’ll take the beer mat to remember this by. 

“People are filming us, the people who drank beer in Saint Mark’s Square.”

Once they’ve finished their drinks the Spanish tourists take guesses at how much the final bill will come to. 

The result? €70, and that’s before a tip. 

The bill came to a whopping 70 euros. Photo: david_senda/TikTok

Upon leaving the tourists commiserate, saying: “Well, we’ve broken the myth that you’re charged for just sitting in Saint Mark’s Square. 

“But you do get charged €70 for three beers, a coke and four snacks.”


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