Weather warning for Gibraltar: Gusts of up to 100km/hr, showers and thunderstorms are predicted for Friday

GALE FORCE wind gusts of close to 100km/h, showers and thunderstorms could blast into Gibraltar throughout Friday, weather forecasters warned.

Gibraltar’s Met Office predicted the arrival of the gale force winds between 11am and 5pm local time.

It said that average wind speeds could reach 50 to 60km/h with gusts of 85 to 95km/h causing chaos ‘particularly in exposed locations’.

The westerly and north westerly winds will slowly ease up throughout the evening, the government’s weather warning said.

As the wind calms down, so will showers and thunderstorms, the Met Office predicted.

Gibraltar’s government issues weather warnings when wind speeds top 74km/h and gusts hit 80km/h.

The high wind speeds will be some of the most ferocious experienced this year on the Rock, coming on the back of a winter storm.

“Travel conditions will become difficult at times, particularly in exposed areas,” the government warned.

It follows a number of storms this year including Aline and Ciaran that battered the Rock last autumn.

Rainfall and wind has already started to whip up the British territory’s streets this month despite some of the warmest temperatures seen in recent winters.


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