Writers from Gibraltar open up in series of talks, discussions before international literary festival

GIBRALTAR kicked off the local version of its literature celebration on Monday evening as a prelude to the international part of the festival on November 17-19.

Mayor and former actor Sonia Carmen Gomez kicked off the event with discussions that explored memories of Gibraltar’s past.

Then local author Sonia Golt discussed the benefits of writing and reading with her own special guest.

Throughout week until November 11, a whole range of other guests are opening up about the strength of local literature, culture and identity.

On Tuesday evening Richard Garcia spoke about the social history of Gibraltar, digging into the past to recover the story of ordinary people that made the society what it is today.

Garcia, who has published 21 books, has been telling the story of the Rock’s social evolution for over a decade.

Conservationists Darren Fa and Ian Ballantine then discussed their passion for exploring the Rock’s fortifications that are recognised around the world.

They used existing books and their own personal journeys to explore the latest research to help understand our walls better.

Local photographer Juan Carlos Teuma will speak about his life as a paparazzi from Costa del Sol to travelling around the world snapping celebrities on Wednesday.

He smuggled negatives and sneaked past international borders on speedboats all to get that elusive picture.

GBC journalist Ros Astengo then talks about taking on the challenge of writing a true crime book about the Simon Parkes missing sailor case.

She will explain how she reconstructed the past by tracing down key witnesses and sourcing the original material to be as accurate as possible.

The fact a key suspect is soon to be released in UK adds to the urgency of her story.

UK-based Jonathan Pizarro and award winning playwright Louis Emmitt-Stern will talk about their work on Thursday.

Finally, Claire Montado and Beatrice Garcia will dive into their historic book about women and their role in society.

It explains about the stories of 30 different women and the institutions they shaped to make Gibraltar the place it is today.

Five speakers will then tell their stories on Friday evening in ‘Lightning Talks’ at the Charles Hunt Room in the John Mackintosh Hall.

Former UK Prime Minister Theresa May will headline the international literary festival on November 17-19.

Interested members of the public can get their places at buytickets.gi.


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