Anti-tourism march in Spain’s Mallorca sees 1,000 fed-up locals demand controls against the ‘devastating’ industry

A THOUSAND people took to the streets of Palma to demand ‘less tourism, more life’, ahead of an EU tourism summit being held in the city. 

On Monday, October 30, protestors marched from Porta de Santa Catalina to Passeig Born, where a manifesto backed by 77 groups was signed. 

The manifesto, read by author and actress Clara Ingold, spoke out against the lack of sustainable tourism and holiday housing rentals, calling tourism a ‘devastating industry’. 

Protestors also called for an end to pollution, overcrowding and tourist lets. 

It comes after growing frustration from residents who claim their quality of life is being sacrificed for the comfort of visitors. 

Almost 80 groups called for action Photo:@Endavant_OSAN/Twitter

The protest was in response to an EU summit of tourism ministers being held in Palma. 

The European Tourism Forum brought industry leaders together to discuss the social sustainability of tourism. 

The summit aimed to find ways to promote ‘alternative’ tourist destinations.

Ministers took part in roundtables on Monday and Tuesday this week to find ways to combat the negative impact of the trade. 

Leaders gathered on Tuesday, October 31, to sign a joint declaration for socially sustainable tourism. 

In the declaration, ministers agreed to advocate for ‘greener, more digital, inclusive, resilient and responsive’ tourism. 

They also vowed to create job opportunities and ensure the ‘long-term well-being of everyone in the value chain, especially the local populations’.


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