THE British Embassy in Madrid wants to understand more about the key issues affecting Brits living in Spain since the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union.
With that in mind they have created a short survey so that they can provide this information to the Spanish authorities.
The survey is for British citizens who live in Spain full time and are covered by the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement (those who were resident in Spain before 31 December 2020, or their close family members living with them).
“As we approach a year since the end of the Transition Period, we really want to hear from you about the key issues affecting UK Nationals in Spain,” the Embassy said in a post on its Facebook page Brits in Spain.
“Are you registered as a resident? Have you exchanged your green certificate for a TIE? How do you access healthcare? How do you get your information?”
The survey takes no more than ten minutes to complete and the Embassy invites people to tell the truth about their situation in Spain and the problems they are encountering.
“All answers are confidential, so do be honest,” it states.
To complete the survey CLICK HERE and if you want to share the Facebook post to tell your friends about the survey CLICK HERE