Cork blimey! British company will pay you €600 to review luxury English sparkling wines – even if you live in Spain

DO you know your Bruts from your Demi-Secs, fancy yourself as a wine aficionado, or simply enjoy a tipple or two in the evening? 

You could be in luck as one British company is offering bubbly-lovers €600 to taste five luxury English sparkling wines worth over €230.

Experts from Big House Experience are looking to appoint an official English Sparkling Wine Tester to crown which bottle of bubbles is truly the best of British.

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Expats living in Spain could earn €600 just by taste-testing five luxury sparkling wines. Credit: Cordon Press

The lucky winner will get the chance to taste and review five premium wines from industry-leading vineyards across the UK: Davenport Limney Estate Sparkling, Redford Vineyard Ambriel Classic Cuvee, Bolney Cuvee Rose, Langham Pinot Meunier and Roebuck Classic Cuvee.

After sampling, the reviewer will need to rate each wine on various factors, including bottle appearance, taste and cork popping satisfaction in order to give an overall rating.

Applicants must be over the age of 18, able to provide a valid address that the wine can be delivered to (including the UK, USA, Canada and Europe), be an avid wine enthusiast who enjoys sipping on sparkling wine, and a fan of big celebrations with family and friends.

Applications for the role close on March 1.

To apply for the role, head to:


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