Employment in Spain’s tourism sector hits record high in June

THE NUMBER of workers from the tourism sector signed up to the Social Security system hit a record high in June, in line with predictions that Spain will enjoy a boom summer season now that the Covid-19 pandemic is fading into memory. 

Used as a measure of employment, the number of people registered with Social Security rose 5.6% in the sixth month of the year compared to the same period in 2022, for a total of 2.76 million.

Data reported by Europa Press from Turespaña, Spain’s tourism institute, showed that the figures were the best since the current historical series began. 

The tourism sector currently employs 13.4% of all of the workers signed up to the Social Security system. 

Hector Gomez, Spain’s industry, trade and tourism minister, called the figures ‘extraordinary, in line with the magnificent performance of tourist employment over the year’. 

The month of June saw employment in tourism and hospitality increase in all of Spain’s regions, with the highest growth in Andalusia, Catalonia, Madrid, the Canary Islands and the Balearics.

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