Heads of cult that ‘cured homosexuality’ with heterosexual sex with leader arrested in Spain’s Caceres

THE HEADS of an alleged cult that ‘cured’ homosexuality via sexual relations with one of its leaders have been arrested in Spain’s Caceres province. The suspects are facing charges of public health offences, violating sexual freedom and professional intrusion. 

The National Police, Customs and the Tax Agency were all involved in the operation, which netted the arrest on December 16 of a psychologist and his wife, who are suspected of leading the cult. 

The alleged ‘heterosexualising therapies’ consisted of ‘healing sexual relations’ with the group’s leader, according to a report from the Europa Press news agency.

Searches of a ‘large farmhouse’ where the cult was allegedly based turned up a total of €100,000 in cash, as well as drugs including MDMA, marijuana and psychedelic drugs such as peyote. 

The National Police stated that the cult had been operating for ‘more than 20 years’, collecting a series of followers who, at various times, numbered ‘more than 50 people’ who removed themselves from the family, social and professional environments. 

The modus operandi of the cult leaders was to use ‘pseudo-psychotherapies’ on its followers without any kind of administrative authorisation to do so. 

The methods would see victims persuaded to quit conventional medical therapies, putting their health at risk. 

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