Hotels on Spain’s Mallorca to study the working methods and hours of room cleaners

THE 850 or so hotels that belong to the Mallorca Hotel Business Federation have begun a study into the working methods and hours of cleaning staff, with the aim of ‘improving their workplace health’.

That’s according to the president of the association, Maria Frontera. 

The aim is to bring the conditions of these staff, known in Spain as ‘kellys’, in line with Spanish legislation. 

Speaking to the press this week, Frontera drew attention to the importance of workplace health not just to staff but also to business.

Javea Hotel Javea Bedroom
Hotel cleaners get paid as little as €2.50 a room in Spain.

“If everything improves, productivity in companies […] will also improve as will the competitiveness of the destination too,” she said in comments reported by Mallorca Diario

Spain’s kellys clean an average of 25 rooms a day for as little as €2.50 a room, according to Spanish state broadcaster TVE. Some 70% of these workers take medication in order to keep up with the demands of their job.

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