“100 YEARS inspiring those around me.” Those are the words that adorn the back of Jose Luis Ortega’s t-shirt, reflecting his near life-long dedication to fitness.
Ortega’s story has just been covered by Spanish news channel Cuatro, and has since gone viral on social networks such as TikTok.
“I train every single day, without fail,” he explained.
The former physiotherapist has been regularly exercising in the gym since 1935, at the age of 11, and is now still going strong at the age of 100 – despite needing the help of a crutch to walk.
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“He’s a source of energy for people because they see what is possible at his age,” one of the monitors at his gym told the TV channel.
The centenarian follows a regular routine of working out on the machines in his gym, before swimming in the pool for around half-an-hour.
And his advice for people who want to be in as good a shape as he is if they should reach triple figures? “Do something, do exercise.”
As for youngsters, he has another piece of wisdom to share: “Don’t smoke, have a little glass of red wine with lunch.”