THE Northern flank of La Palma volcano has collapsed sending hot boulders the size of three-storey buildings down the side of the volcano.
The volcanic eruption that began on September 19 in the area of Cumbre Vieja, on the island of La Palma, has completed three weeks of activity this Sunday, October 10, leaving almost 6,000 residents evacuated and some 1,186 buildings and infrastructures damaged or lost.
The volcano’s lava has already covered 497 hectares of the Isla Bonita, and the collapse of the northern flank has increased the power of the lava flows which have become more destructive and unstoppable every day.
An animation shows the before-and-after of the area affected by the eruption made by
Additionally, some 214 tremors have been recorded in the area in the last 48 hours, the largest measuring 3.8 on the Richter scale, shaking the ground in the villages of Mazo, Fuencaliente and El Paso.
Footage with the latest images of the lava flow, taken at 7:30 pm Sunday evening, from the Todoque veterinary clinic on La Palma.
According to data provided by the Volcanological Institute of the Canary Islands (Involcan), the lava flows this Sunday advanced at a speed of about 700 metres/ hour with a temperature of 1,075ºC.