Scorching temperatures in the Region of Murcia make this summer its second warmest in history

WITH Spain reaching scorching temperatures of way over 40 C this summer, it comes as no surprise that Murcia has just had its second warmest in history.

Between June 1 and August 31, the average temperature was 26.1 °C, 1.6 °C higher than normal.

This makes the past summer the second-warmest since records began in 1961.

Juan Esteban Palenzuela from the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) explained that this July was, “along with 2015, the warmest since at least 1941”. 

As well as record-breaking temperatures, Murcia also racked up more tropical nights than ever before.

A tropical night is used to describe days that don’t fall below 20 °C in European countries.

The city saw an impressive 76 between June and August.

The highest daytime temperature occurred on August 10 in Cieza when the mercury reached a boiling point of 45 °C.

The hottest nights reached 28 °C in Fortuna and Ricote on July 25 and August 3, respectively.

Forecasts for autumn suggest a probability of 60–70% that the next few months will be up to a degree hotter than normal expectations.


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