By Alberto Lejarraga & Walter Finch
A BRITISH couple who discovered a man’s decomposing body in Menorca are planning to sue the island’s local authorities for not cleaning the beach earlier.
Emma and Lee Brogden, of Northumberland, had their BalearIcs break ‘absolutely spoiled’ after she discovered a decomposing corpse in the surf at Arenal den Castell beach during her morning run.
The couple is now demanding £2,000 compensation, as they believe it was because of the local authority’s ‘negligence’ that Emma found the body.
“Emma went for a run around 6.40am but it seems beaches are not cleaned until 7am. They should do this earlier, around 6am, before any tourist arrives,” Lee concluded.
“She first thought it was a giant jellyfish floating in the waves but when she had a closer look, she realised it was a dead body,” Lee told the Olive Press.
He insisted: “Emma saw that he still had a watch on his arm and was wearing a pair of combat shorts. One side of the body was eaten away, probably by fish, you could see the leg bones and his skin was completely blue, so he must have been in the sea for days.”
In shock, Emma ran back to the hotel and woke Lee up. They returned to the beach with hotel staff and placed sticks and rocks under the body to stop it from being swept back out the sea.
Guardia Civil arrived to take charge of the investigation, seeking to confirm the identity of the deceased.
The incident took place a couple of days after the British couple had arrived at the island with their son.
“They were very expensive holidays, everything cost around £2,000 and we still had three full days left. But they were ruined as my wife kept having flashbacks and could not stop thinking about it. She is now receiving medical help and has stress-related health and breathing problems.”
Meanwhile, the deceased’s identity remains unknown. “The results of the autopsy will not be available for at least one or two months,” a Guardia Civil spokesman told the Olive Press.